I Think It's Been An Ok Day So Far

 Spent nearly the entire night on the sofa, trying to get some sleep.  My brain wouldn't stop yammering at me, I couldn't get comfortable and my last resort of taking an ibuprofen to help me relax didn't work.  So I tossed and turned even in the family room until finally getting in some snores about dawn.  Sigh.

But, was up early with The Husband - went for a brisk walk. Then by the time 10:30 rolled around I had showered, breakfasted, done my hair, ironed all the clothes from yesterday's laundry and even completed my driver's license renewal up at the DMV.  The driver's license appointment was actually fun - we were in and out before my actual appointment time.  It sometimes pays to be early and prepared.  (And funny thing - the picture on the new license is nearly identical to the previous one and the license before that.  I guess I should be glad my skin wrinkles don't show on the pictures.  😆)

Then we had a trip to WalMart which was disappointing for me - they failed my need for a few things, home for lunch and then it was meet with another tree guy.

Our poor Blue Atlas Cedar is well and truly dead.  I just want to weep at the loss.  So, now we're getting bids for the removal of its remains.  Costly doesn't even describe it.  Still waiting for one more bid to come in but so far they're all w-a-y more than I want to spend.  And while I'm at it, I'm seriously considering getting another tree company for the fertilization next year.  We've already paid for this year so we'll continue, but I'm thinking it might be time for a change. Of course, you never know what you're getting.  We could have three different companies come out and get three different perspectives of what our trees need.  The 17 (living) trees still on our property represent a substantial investment in time and money.  Did we plant too many?  That's a very good question.  Though I will never regret the shade they provide in the heat of the summer.

I finished another apron.  A friend thought the one I was wearing was cute.  I made it, I said.  Then, without seriously thinking through my next thought, just spoke it aloud:  would you like one?  I'll make one for you.  Sheesh, what was I thinking?  What could she say other than that she'd love one  (poor thing, she was trapped).  So now I was committed.  Off to Joann's for some fabric (when did denim get to be $21.00 a yard?!?) and ended up with enough fabric for two aprons.  All that's left is the buttons on the straps which I need to do with her so I get them in the right place.  It was a fun project. Even though I always feel so inferior with my abilities.  And The Husband is such a great support - he never even mentions the cost of the things I like to do, just tells me I'm doing a great job and asks if I'm enjoying whatever I'm working on.  He's definitely a keeper.

So today, I'm grateful not only for a fresh project, but one that was completed without too much difficulty.  Grateful for my driver's license being renewed for another 8 years.  (Hopefully the permanent one will arrive before our little trip.) Grateful for some decent books in my to-be-read pile.  Grateful for a new-to-me recipe to try tonight. And especially grateful for a slight decrease in the summer temps today.  Anytime it's in the 80's that's an improvement.  Also, I'm grateful for companies that can help us with the things we can't do for ourselves - like take out dead trees.  Our house will not look the same. 

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