Lots Of Thoughts

My head has been a jumble of thoughts.  And I know there are things I meant to record here so I wouldn't forget.  But they're forgotten.

So, I finished the aprons (I made two of them) for my friend.  She seemed to like them.  Actually received a picture from her husband yesterday showing me that she was wearing one of them in the kitchen.  I truly hope she will use them.  They took us to a spontaneous lunch on Friday after I dropped the aprons off, to say thank you.  So kind, and so much fun. Impromptu get-togethers with friends are just one of the best things!

Saturday morning, was getting ready to head off to the storehouse.  The pants I've been wearing only have back pockets, so that was the place for my phone.  Dropping those pants so I could do one last bathroom break before we left (Don't mothers always tell their children to go to the bathroom before leaving the house?  And then, doesn't that become a lifelong habit?  It did for me.) my phone flipped out of the pocket straight into the toilet water (which was unused at that point so relatively clean).  Yikes! Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Don't recall ever doing that before.  Thankfully my reflexes are fairly quick, I fished it out fast as I could.  My case is a double layer so it totally protected the phone.  Barely any water inside the outer layer of the case.

Dropping the phone where it wasn't supposed to go felt like interesting timing.  The frequent discussion lately is when to get me a new one.  Mine isn't nearly as old as I'd like it to be.  I've been reluctant to get a new one because I don't want all the bells and whistles.  I don't "live" on my phone like lots of people.  I want one that's relatively small (gotta fit in the pockets), texts, takes decent pictures, allows a bit of news googling, and of course, makes and receives calls.  Not interested in all the high numbers of "G" network, nor facial recognition, nor hours of music/gaming.  Just a simple cel phone.  My battery is declining.  I keep the bluetooth turned off (except when I need it) to save the battery.  But already today the battery is down 20% and all I've done is take one picture and text a little bit with my son.  Which is fine when we're sticking close to home and can always plug it in.  But if we head out on any kind of excursion then I get a bit borderline panicky about having enough battery should something happen.  I think a new phone is in my near future.  Wonder how that's all going to play out?

All last week it felt like one of us managed to find a coin on the street when we were out walking.  (Which I find interesting - I thought no one (but us) used cash any more.  Everyone seems to use some kind of card for payment for everything.)  This morning we found two.  Only pennies, but still, it was fun.  The Husband did need to use a key to pry one up out of the asphalt, but it wasn't buried very deep, came right up.

Today's the day.  Spent lots of time last week getting bids for the removal of the blue atlas cedar from the front yard. They said they would be here this afternoon.  Which makes me think they consider this a quick job.  I hope it all goes well.  I'm nervous.  But then, when am I not? 

I've been thinking about cheerful people.  I wasn't given the gift of cheeriness.  If it appears that I am, I'm faking it.  😊  I have been noticing all around me how many people are intrinsically cheerful.  No working at it, no faking it, just genuinely, naturally chipper, happy and yes, cheerful.  I want to ask Heavenly Father why I couldn't have that.  I'd willingly sacrifice good hair (which I don't have), slender figure (also not mine) and wealth (nope) to be cheerful.  People who are cheerful draw other people to them, they don't seem to have a problem with small talk (yes, my problem) can chat with anyone about anything,  have a perpetual smile in their heart and just enjoy every minute of life.  What a miraculous blessing that would be. I know I'm not supposed to envy, but that is one thing I do envy.

It's almost 10:30, I still have to do my hair and get presentable, but we've been for a walk, I made a quick grocery run, did a couple small chores around here (including practicing the hymns for Sunday) the guys have been here doing some foliar fertilizing of the (living) trees and the laundry is well on it's way to being done.  So, yup, a fairly decently productive morning.  

I'm finding some gratitude.  So grateful every day for our working air conditioning units.  Grateful for a fridge that keeps our cold things fresh and makes decent ice.  (I've been known to open it on occasion just to stick my head in for some cool.) Grateful for people who return phone calls (and answer texts) so I know I"m heard, grateful for hugs, for silly riddles to share with a grandson who seems to appreciate the effort, for morning walks and then morning showers.  And for a new day that provides a chance to try to be a better disciple of Christ than I was yesterday.  It is an ongoing process.

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