Very Sad

 And wow, am I impressed.  The demolition guys came, earlier than we'd expected.  And in a bit over half an hour that tree was gone, the stump ground, the clean up finished and it's like nothing ever happened.

Having the right equipment and the right crew makes all the difference.

But I am so sad.  I hate that the tree is gone.  They found evidence of borers, which makes me sort of angry - the tree guy said we didn't have any.  And we've spent a small fortune over the years spraying for that kind of thing.  Now I'm more certain than ever that it's time to find someone else to maintain/fertilize/care for our trees.  

And to top everything all off, I sliced my thumb with the peeler.  Stuff like this always happens when it's my turn on the organ.  I worry so much about injuring my hands, I need them for so much!! 

Life is fragile, whether it's a plant or person.  And more valuable than we often acknowledge.

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