Thursday Morning Pictures

#1 ignore the phone pole
We left the house right about six for our walk.  Found myself taking a few steps backwards more than once to see the sunrise through the clouds.  Of course, as always, the pictures are nothing like seeing the majesty of this world in person.  Most mornings lately the sky has been pretty cloudless.  So the ceiling of clouds that went from kind of white, to pink to yellow was truly something to behold. These three pictures were all taken about 15-20 minutes apart (I'll label them with the first one being #1).  Should have done a slide show, it was the most lovely way to hear "good morning" from the heavens.

And over by the library is a barn event center.  I love the flowers.  These little dianthus are one of my favorites.  


Yesterday afternoon on our way home, I had to take a picture of the dash.  Yes, that does say 103 degrees.  Apparently we reached a record high yesterday with today, tomorrow, and the next day also reaching record highs.  Just saw on the news that Salt Lake City reached 106.  Fingers crossed, prayers said that our air conditioning holds up.  There were some power outages in the area yesterday.  That makes me just cringe in apprehension. We are spending as much time as we can indoors.  Errands and walks are done in the early hours of the day before the heating gets too fierce.  

I finally finished this book.  It was a teeny bit hard to get into.  But I'm so glad I stuck with it.  It was engrossing, uplifting and I loved his thoughts.  The very best part for me (in addition to the several quotes I noted) was the last chapter where he talks about hearing the music.  I'm so happy he recognizes and encourages those who continue to attend church even when the music seems to stop, or they don't hear the music again.  Hopefully, sooner or later we will all be glad we didn't let whatever the trouble was stop us from continuing to worship as we know we should.  Even when it's hard, even through the hardness.   


So grateful for air conditioning.  And for books to read when we aren't comfortable going places.  Grateful (and anxious) for haircuts tomorrow, for those who mow our lawn (they truly are a gift to us) and hopefully for clean windows.  I hope they don't get heatstroke working on our house.  I'll be sure to share some of our root beer that was so generously gifted to us.  A gift that's shared can be a double gift, right?  So very grateful for this beautiful world Heavenly Father created for us - the earth, the heavens, the stars and everything that was made for our benefit.

And as an afterthought:  clearly I'm barely computer literate.  I can manage to get the pictures on here.  But getting them in the right place involves skills that I do not possess.  I try and I try and I end up inadvertently deleting everything so I have to start over.  And frankly, it just isn't worth that much anxiety and heartburn.  So it'll just look messy and like some kindergartener did it.  This is really just for me anyway.  If by chance someone out there in the world stumbles across this and finds even a minute thought of something worthwhile, then that's great.  But it's really just my journal so I don't forget.   And I never want to forget being grateful - for whatever is happening in my life that invokes a sense of gratitude.  I desperately need the grace that provides.

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