The First Picture....

From my new phone.  Yup, I finally did it -bought a new phone.  And I am here to say it was not fun.  It felt kind of like buying a car.  I went in with an idea of what I wanted and how much I was comfortable (except I'm not really comfortable spending any money) spending.  And I know that the new models (phone announcements) are made in September.  I wish I could wait until then, but upcoming events make that impossible.  

So, then I talked to the guys about what's likely going away.  And kind of make a decision.  Then I learned some more about the ages of the different phones and what perhaps will be the scenario.  Apple promises to support phones for 7 years after they are discontinued (and of course, I wanted one of the ones likely to be discontinued - for multiple reasons) but then again, "support" sounds a bit ambiguous to me.  I don't want to be stuck with an obsolete experience.  At this stage of our life and situation I truly do need something reliable.  

Those kinds of decisions are so hard for me.  I truly do dislike spending so much money.  It feels so final, because I'm not out there buying new ones all the time and this will be a multi-year commitment. And then again, there are the options that add to the cost.  Plus the case (yikes!  and I just wanted a cute one for once - didn't get it, I'm w-a-y too practical).  And all the time I'm thinking:  why does this have to be so complicated and time consuming?

Once the decision was made, then it was the big transfer of data.  It took forever.  My old phone was not super cooperative. 

While I was babysitting the phone transfer, The Husband went to the other side of the store to talk to a physician we've recently met.  I'm uncertain whether he remembered us or not, but he was pleasant and smiling so I guess it was ok.  We didn't bug him for medical advice or anything. 😊 

In spite of the fact that all the settings were supposed to transfer over, I discovered that all things are not the same.  I'm still making discoveries.  I need a class.  I ended up with more bells and whistles than I wanted, ended up spending more than I wanted and ended up without other things I wanted.  But such is the nature of change in the name of progress.  Change is certain, progress is not.  So it was a compromise as things often are.  I'm hoping it'll be a good compromise.  I've had to consult my password keeper multiple times trying to stay connected.  And still one of my email addresses isn't connected.  I'll have to research that.  And somehow I expected the new phone with a bigger battery to stay at 95% for the whole day no matter how much I used it.  What was I thinking?!?

And it's been a strange day.  We stopped yesterday and bought tickets for today's afternoon movie.  Roughly 45 minutes before we were to leave for the movie the power went out.  (Hence the time spent on my phone.) I was too uncomfortable leaving the house not knowing when the power would come back (and how things would be).  So we skipped the movie (hoping they'll exchange our tickets for the next showing) and had a quiet lunch here.  Obviously the power is back on and the house slowly getting cooler.  It's a relief.  Our power here is generally very stable so it feels doubly alarming when it quits.

And we walked this morning on one of The Husband's walks.  He was needing a different route. Coming back a woman stopped us to talk about this pile of stones.  Apparently she discovered the guy building it.  He apparently builds one on a regular basis, which then somehow ends up in just a bunch of rocks on the ground so he re-builds it.  It's amazing to me that he can manage to balance these rocks without any adhesives of any kind. And is it some kind of therapy for him?  I so wish for that artistic ability.  

So the big gratitude feel today is for electricity. Especially electricity that works.  I'm also grateful for the ability to go to a movie (in an air conditioned building) for hope that our electricity will continue to work and for the ability to pay for that electricity.  So grateful to have checked on those people I care about and find that they also are ok.  Grateful for a new phone that I hope will be good for quite a few years - don't know how willing I'll be to go through this arduous process again.  And grateful for direct deposit of our (smallish) social security funds.  They seem to always arrive at just the right time.

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