And So It Goes.....

I'm grumpy today.  Sleep eludes me.  Sleep would be lovely.  Good sleep would be a blessing.  I'll continue to hope that happens.  When a person doesn't sleep it totally affects them - their mood, their sense of well-being, their perspective.  I can generally count on the couch.  It failed me last night.  So it's like almost four nights of non-rejuvenating sleep.  Sigh.

Still figuring out the phone.  Spent too much time yesterday trying to get a decent picture of me on my phone's account profile.  Realized how much I dislike having my picture taken because there wasn't a single one I could find on my phone.  Tried to take one myself.  Ugh.  Asked The Husband for help this morning, we'll see how that one goes.

In addition:  for more than a few years I've used an app to help keep track of the books I read, my thoughts about them, etc.  Tried to add a book I finished last night and surprise! That app is no longer available on the app store, so it wouldn't transfer (or download) to my new phone.  All that data.  All those books I wanted to remember and that were so handy on my phone- just gone.  Unless, wait - could they be stored in the cloud that transferred all the data from my old phone?  I'll have to ask the resident expert if he can help me figure out how to do that.  I already have a missing email that bothers me since I can't access it on my phone - it's important to be able to access all my email addresses.  

These kinds of things are the reason I postpone making major changes like this.  They're always w-a-y complicated and troublesome.  I try really hard to "go with the flow" and be willing to accept change.  But this has been a lot - as easy as they've tried to make this kind of change - for me, it's frustrating and challenging.  So, yeah, I'm grumpy today. And as I put these thoughts out here I'm reminded that I'm complaining about my blessing.  What a luxury it is to have a new phone - a computer to carry with me all the time, to keep in touch, to record memories and to access pretty much the world.  I should be more obviously grateful.  

On Tuesday we finally managed to get to see the movie.  The theater personnel were absolutely delightful - they didn't question or hesitate to exchange our previously purchased tickets for the showing we were unable to make.  Just cheerfully helped us out.  I liked the movie, except why, oh, why does everyone have to be such a potty-mouth?  The language was jarring to me.  But it was fun to see a movie set in a time and place that I remember.  The reason I bring this up is because we saw the trailer for part one of Wicked.  I haven't seen all that many broadway /touring plays.  But one I have seen multiple times is Wicked.  I loved it (generally speaking - disliked the school section, seemed a bit manipulative to me - but the music is memorable) so much I've seen it 4 times over the last 20 years.  The trailer had me captivated.  Can hardly wait until November.  I rarely anticipate movies with such enthusiasm, but this one has me anxious.

Today will be a full day.  I was included in a ladies lunch - I really like the women, just am a bit surprised that I was included.  The Husband will be off to his guys lunch.  Then tonight my friend invited me to dinner just the two of us.  Our husbands always comment on how long we're gone when it's just us and not the two couples.  But really - women need women.  We need someone who thinks like a woman and not a man, need someone who understands better (not because men don't want to understand, they're just wired differently).  We need someone who is accepting.  I'm grateful there are women out there who are kind and loving and the sort of friend another woman needs.

I'm trying to be grateful today.  And of course, I am grateful.  Grateful for our safe home and air conditioning and for sandals to wear when it's w-a-y too hot for socks and shoes.  I'm grateful for being able to communicate quickly via text.  And I'm grateful for repentance.  I surely need it today.  I'm pleading with our Creator to keep the awful adversary away from me for a little bit.  I need a break from him.  

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