Pioneer Day

A Utah holiday all its own.  A day to celebrate the arrival of pioneers to the valley, to settle it and make it thrive.  A success by most any measure.  And a true blessing - a legacy of courage, grit, determination and a multitude of other attributes including - above all - sacrifice.  

And another holiday to spend all by ourselves.  This is a hard place to live where there's so much obvious focus on extended families and being together.  We are always alone and sometimes I feel that isolation a bit more keenly than others.  Our daughters are great and would step up in a heartbeat.  Our son in Utah county would come if he wasn't working, and frankly I don't like to invite him much because it is a financial burden on him to drive up here in his old not-so-great car.  (I worry about his safety.)  The one family that could involve us wouldn't (and hasn't).  Ever.  And that's the hard emotional part.  All the decades of trying to be included, cared for: totally ignored.  And even if we did invite them (which we did for years) the acceptance rate less than 1%.  Hard to keep trying in the face of those odds.  Even as I recognize that I'm simply no longer physically up to hosting a big meal for lots of people.  Sometimes even the two of us is too much.  😬 Still, it's hard not to think about all the family get-togethers going on across the state while we spend the day just like every other day. 

Total Yum!!
So, I'm trying to think.  There's been lots that I've wanted to remember to put here.  Things I don't want to forget.  We splurged a bit ago and got us each a shake at Chick-Fil-A.  I used a bunch of points so they wouldn't expire.  Made it taste all the sweeter because it was (kinda sorta) free.  We splurged on a dinner out to Long Horn Steakhouse on our anniversary last Friday.  52 years of being sealed to each other.  What a treasure that is to my heart.  This morning we drove over to the Jordan River Trail for a walk along the river - something we only do a couple times a year.  The gnats / bugs are in full attack mode but it was still a nice change.  On the way home I did our "usual" and stopped at Donut Star to treat The Husband.  Bought enough for us each to enjoy and then a couple to share.  It's a rare indulgence but enjoyable. Especially for me - the one who doesn't really care for things made of white flour, my tummy doesn't do well with them.  But I will enjoy my chocolate croissant.  I like the ones from there because there isn't much, if any, glaze on them.

Yay!! My new driver's license arrived.  It arrived exactly two weeks after I renewed it.  I was worried that it would take much, much longer.  I did compare it to my previous one - and yup, they look pretty much the same.  Too bad I had to acquiesce and have my picture taken again.  I just despise getting my picture taken.😩

And I finally succumbed and bought a new steam iron.  Went to WalMart because I hoped I could get one cheaper there.  Irons run the full spectrum in price.  I've had two Rowentas before this one.  Wasn't sure if I wanted to get another.  (Tons of time doing iron research online only muddied the thinking.) But the spray bottle just wasn't working and the ironing process took twice as long.  Read the instruction booklet and decided the iron is borderline too much work.  You have to do this, and then that and then this and that in specific order.  Sheesh.  I just want a steam iron that works and doesn't spit dark water that stains on my freshly laundered clothes.  And yes, I realize that I don't have to iron - I'm a throwback, not many people iron their clothes these days.  But I like the look.  So I'll continue to iron.

One of these pictures is of the full (ish?) moon the other morning.  I tried to get the color of the clouds, it was so pretty, but nope, even with the fancy (to me) new phone/camera.  You just had to be there.

So Pretty.

I think I sound kind of negative today.  I'm struggling mightily to not be that way.  I blame everything on the heat, but mostly it's just me.  Even though I'm working hard to have that connection to the Savior that I so desire.  I'd rather have His influence in my life.  I'm grateful today for those who have gone before, paving the road to a better future for them and a good place for us.  I'm grateful again and always for air conditioning.  Grateful for cheap Tuesday tickets to a movie.  Yesterday was Twisters.  Good thing we only go to the movies for entertainment with no expectation of education or reality.  I'm grateful we can manage to pay for someone to mow our lawn every week. They do a great job and it's such a relief to me to know that it's taken care of every week. I'm grateful to still have The Husband with me, he has been such a blessing these past 54+ years.

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