Much Better...Finally

So our internet went down the other day.  Came back briefly after several hours then went totally kaput.  It has been astonishing to me to recognize how much we rely on it.  Nothing worked.  No computers, no iPads, phones only when wifi was turned off and we relied on cellular data.  Totally frustrating.  I don't do any financial things on my phone so was constantly annoyed that I couldn't access our bank, etc.  

I was stressed.  And that would be a dramatic understatement.

New Wifi Unit - YAY!
But this morning, The Husband called our provider, they had a technician out here at 2:00 this afternoon and soon he had us up and running.  Our little wifi units were apparently "fried" by the outage and had to be replaced.  Up to two are provided by the company, but we require a third one to take care of our dead spots.  That was $120 I hadn't anticipated.  But whatever.  It was worth the cost.  

The reduction in my anxiety level was nearly palpable.  

I moaned this morning at class to a friend about how I was complaining about a luxury (the internet/wifi) and she was quick to proclaim that it is no longer a luxury.  In today's world, she said, it is a requirement, companies and our society pretty much demand that you have internet to function.  Which made me feel a tiny bit better.   

I wish life didn't feel so complicated.  I try to be up on the necessities of life and be able to take care of things.  But I'm no longer of quick and agile mind.  I often feel like life is a parade passing me by whilst I watch from the sidelines. 😔

I don't really regret being old.  What I regret is the world changing so much that it's a challenge to keep up.  Again:  it's that irrelevant, invisible, unimportant bubble that older folks like us are put in.  I don't like it.

Last night we went to Hale Theater.  Had bought an extra performance - it was put on by Jason Hewlett.  Hadn't ever heard of him before.  Such a delightful evening.  At one point I had to nudge The Husband to tone it down a bit - he was laughing so loud and long that it was taking attention away from Mr. Hewlett. Check him out on YouTube - the dentist bit was one he also did last night and it was absolutely riveting/hilarious.  I admire someone who can so unabashedly look ridiculous (on purpose) for a theater full of people.

And frankly,  I seriously needed some laughter.  

I'm so grateful today for our internet functioning again.  So grateful for a qualified man to help us out.  So grateful to be back at class today (though I found myself wishing she'd quit talking about what a great/smart/savvy/accomplished/healthy/you-name-it person she is, I just wanted to do the exercise) - miss a couple times and it felt like I was starting all over again. So grateful for answers to prayers.  And again, and always, more than grateful for the chance to repent and try again.

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