A Few Things To Remember

 So Saturday after the Storehouse, we went to P.F.Changs over at Fashion Place Mall.  We so love that they have one down at our end of the valley now.  We had some money left on a gift card from Christmas that we decided to use.  It was a lovely meal.  But, of course, as I'm wont to do, I ate w-a-y too much and spent the rest of the day miserable.  But was better the next day. I really have to force myself to stop eating before I'm ready.  Life feels better when my tummy is happier.

Sunday was my day on the organ - I had practiced so much (those dang octaves done in quicker time spell trouble for me) that my wrist pain/stiffness flared up again.  Thank heavens I remember all those exercises - it's gradually improving.

One of our organists decided she was done.  I thought she had asked to be released.  She informed me on Sunday she's not being released, she's just done playing the organ.  Which leaves me a bit befuddled as to what exactly it is now.  But whatever.  They put in another woman so there's still four of us in rotation on the organ.  Which is helpful.  Four works really well.

And yesterday our daily outing was to run up to Harward Farms and get a watermelon.  Stopped on the way home to run through the car wash and was quietly gleeful all the rest of the day at how happy the car was to be clean.  Went to the library after my eye exam today, carefully found a spot w-a-y out from the building under a tree so as to have some shade.  When our temps are so hot, shade is our friend.  Came out to find a couple guys working on the sprinkler system.  And yup, the sprinkler was directed straight at our car.  And it was filthy water (must be irrigation water) so it dried pretty immediately into brown-ish spots.  All over the front part of my freshly cleaned car.  Sigh...  The Husband didn't even come into the house when we parked in the garage - just ran for a wet rag and cleaned all those spots off.  Yup, he's a keeper.

Went to dinner with our friends last night.  She's having rotator cuff repair surgery tomorrow. It was delightful as always to see them.  They're very good to us and very dear.  The Husband and I are learning how good for us it is to share an entree; we still get to eat out but it's not quite so expensive and there's always enough food for the both of us. 

And my eye exam today?  I tried to get out of it. The dr. has been having me come in every six months, keeping tabs on my eye pressure and macula. My eye pressure has been holding kind of steady at 21.  It was much higher in the beginning which I guess is kind of concerning.  Today I was at 21 and 18 - yay for me!  And the best part is he said I can come back in a year instead of six months.

Rose Of Sharon
Yesterday's morning walk yielded a dime.  The Husband is always finding money.  Got out of the car at the grocery this morning and he said to me:  look for coins.  I said sure while I bent over and picked up another dime.  He's definitely got the "finding coins" mojo.  My "charm" seems to be the green lights.  Between the two of us, we've got it made.😍

And I'm still missing the blue atlas cedar that graced our front yard for those 23+ years. It looks so bare and empty.  We've looked at lots of trees and plants trying to decide what to put in that spot without having to move the rocks and do any major overhaul.  We might have settled on a rose of Sharon.  They seem to do well in this area and bloom later in the summer when other flowers have stopped.  They can also get quite large.  We can't plant anything in this heat but when the later part of September rolls around, we'll probably be at the nursery seeing if they have any left that we can buy. Fingers are crossed.

I'm so grateful today for good eye exams, for a decent night's sleep, for a perpetually cheerful husband and for hope that - well, just for hope.  I need it.

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