I Love The Color Yellow

 The other morning on our walk, I had to stop and take a picture of these flowers.  There were quite a few along the trail. (My phone says they're a kind of primrose, but I'm not so sure.  Whatever, they're really fun!) The yellow was so cheerful and bright.  Then this morning we walked past this house where she plants dahlias every year.  She stakes a grid up for them - they are so huge and heavy they need the support to stand tall and be pretty in a way that catches the eyes of those who pass by.  I just love them.  The pic doesn't do the size justice (they're really ginormous) but we were on our last little bit of our walk, and hurrying and a little tired so I just dashed over and took it with little thought as to composition.  I so love the way Heavenly Father created this world to have so much beauty.

Was gifted this book the other day.  Maybe it's a bit vintage, but that doesn't make it less valuable to me.  I loved that someone thought of me. And I loved every single page of it.  

We both had our hair cut yesterday.  Because of schedules, this one will have to last for 4 1/2 weeks.  He went extra short with me.  Which is fine, it always grows.  But I'm finding myself less able to work with my hair to have it look even halfway decent. It's so straight and without
any body (i.e. flat) and fine and thin.  Add in the oddly behaving white/gray hair that is taking over and I'm really in trouble.  Nothing seems to feel like it works right.  I guess I should be grateful I still have hair, fine and thin though it is.

Today I'm grateful for puzzles that The Husband enjoys working on, for puzzle gift subscriptions and for those people we know who share their puzzles.  At church on Sunday a friend said she has quite a few she'd love to loan. 😊  I'm also grateful for leftovers for dinner, for something to look forward to (even if it is a teeny bit scary) and for good books to read.  I know there are people who don't like to read, and people who don't like the color yellow and people who don't like dahlias or puzzles.  I'm grateful that there's a place for those of us who do like all of those things and and that they are available / around for our enjoyment.

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