I Try So Hard

I have a post I began that I'm questioning whether or not I'll finish.  It is basically a grump about men who don't listen, who have a preconceived notion of what you're going to say and don't open their minds enough to really hear what you're saying, and men who always know what is best for you.  Even when they're a complete stranger and don't even know you.  (Why would they know what's best for you?)

Bottom line:  the company we've had help us with cleaning and sealing the tile and grout in our shower is no longer in business, apparently.  So I've been looking for someone else. Had a company we've used before (in our previous house and I was so disappointed in the guy that I swore I'd never use that company again) come out for a bid.  It was a miserable experience.  (And I've wondered, even out loud, if The Husband had been in the room with me if he would have spoken to me like that?)

I'm loathe to use him.  So I got online and did a bit of poking around to find another company.  I don't know what happened in my poking around, but I have been inundated with people wanting to come do the tile, help with the remodel (we're not remodeling), give us a bid.  I'm a tad frustrated and overwhelmed. 

I do have one other company coming out tomorrow that I'm hoping will be the answer.  The shower isn't in horrid condition, but it does need some help and that is one area (the complete bathroom) that I'm intolerant of cleanliness issues.

Going to the trash.
The Husband put on a shirt yesterday to wear out with his friend.  I mentioned to him that it's a very old shirt, purchased when he was much heavier - "you could fit two of you in it!" was my spoken thought.  He chuckled and said that meant it was comfortable.  Not an hour later, he came to me with this rip.  I could fix it.  Sort of. But it's just not worth it.  He was sad, he's loved that shirt.  And I always enjoy when he wears blue, it's so good to bring out those eyes I love.

I'm just grateful today for kind friends who want to get together.  For kind, thoughtful daughters - both of them - who are doing their best - both of them.  Grateful for a bit of something to look forward to.  Grateful for prayer that I rely on so much.  And grateful for a bit of hope.  That is one essential for everyone.

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