It Was A Week!!

And just about the time I think we don't have too much going on, we have a week like last week.  I generally go to class at the Rec Center on Monday mornings but today:  hmm, no. (And this will be a challenge for me, I've several pictures to use and often when I try to put them here it messes up the text and looks totally amateurish.  But I guess that's ok, this particular blog is my own spot to keep track of life, my personal record/journal so I don't forget things as life continues.)  

We finally have some answers.  Two trips up to the U in three days (it feels like an all day thing when we go). Good news, bad news scenario like often is the case.  But we are both so relieved to finally know what's going on, sort of what to expect and "marching orders" to help us go forward.  Information is often the most help. And good doctors are immeasurably valuable.

So, The Husband said he wasn't going to replace the FITBIT.  As the days went on he kept missing it so much he finally decided to get a new one.  It took what felt like forever for it to arrive, but he's got it attached to his pants pocket and seriously - we both really like being able to track our steps.  Small price to pay for his contentment.  

Owie for sure.
And I burned my neck.  The new-ish curling iron has a slippery handle.  I've dropped it several times but have managed to jump back quick enough that it just falls to the rug and is easily retrieved.  This time, I didn't manage to get out of the way, so it kind of fell twice.  The second time, the lever caught on the edge of my robe. I couldn't see to grab it (didn't want to grab the hot end) so it just kind of sat there and sizzled for a few seconds.  Long enough for my skin to blister.  Not only is that burn spot the place where clothes sit, it's also where my crossbody bag rests.  Interesting week, to be sure.  Aloe vera, bacitracin, lots of bandages (the adhesive on those gives me rashes, I'm such a mess!) and even some skin sensitive tape later and today I'm finally doing better.  

The Hawthorne tree is in full bloom and is lovelier this year than in years past.  The berries (I wasn't aware it had) are horribly messy.  But the flowers are worth it - even for only a couple weeks or so.  Standing under the branches you just hear this constant hum - it's a bee magnet.  I love that we are helping out our struggling bee populations, they are so vital. And the lone columbine is blooming.  I love that it keeps coming up each year, even there all by it's lonesome.  The pretty little crabapple tree lost all the blooms in the wind. But I'm still glad we have it.

Mother's day was a success for me this year.  By success I mean it was a day without drama, without discouragement, without tears and without hard feelings.  Had a video call with our son and grandson that was just fun. Was unexpectedly treated to lunch on Saturday which was also just fun, we rarely get time with that family.  And while we missed seeing all the kids, it was nice to chat with our son.  Spent Saturday evening with our out-of-town (in town for the day) daughter and son-in-law, were treated to a meal.  (I was still over full in my tummy on Sunday.)  We love seeing them.  Realized that when their temple is finished they will no longer be coming in once a month for their service.  That was the "down" moment.  We'll just have to figure out how we can manage to get out there more often.  And received some lovely gifts.  (Just to be clear, I'm at the point that I treasure everything, expect nothing and enjoy it all.) Tulips, meals, lovely earrings (wearing them at this moment) hand crocheted bluebird and sheep and hugs from every single one - except the one who we saw only on video. Don't remember when I had such a stress-free Mother's Day.  So grateful for that.  I tried out a new-to-me yoga class on Friday afternoon and it was reinforced to me that I can no longer do yoga.  My injured shoulders just won't allow it.  Sigh...

It's spring.  That means yard work.  I asked The Husband this morning if he was relieved that we've found someone to do the mowing/trimming/blowing.  His immediate yes made me just relax.  There's still plenty for him to do outside in the garden and keeping the weeds behind the fence down.  But the grass was a big burden and I'm so happy we finally found someone to do it.  They came on Friday evening to mow and it just looks great.  

The John Deere has been sold, as has the electric mower. Another bit of stuff gone that was weighing on us.  A bit at a time and hopefully soon we'll have less stuff.

I'm grateful today for a good weekend.  I always have such anxiety about Mother's Day.  I'm learning a bit more at taking things as they come and that helps.  I'm grateful for answers that help relieve some of the anxiety.   Labels don't change the circumstances but they help with knowing how to manage life. I'm grateful for the sunshine and moderate temps.  I know I'll be complaining about the heat soon, but for today I'm grateful that it's decent "work outside" weather.  And I'm even grateful that I chose to skip class today.  I needed just one day without demands or schedules to keep or requirements other than the basic meals and laundry.  So far, this day has been just that.  

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