Kind Of Busy

There are times it seems like we just live an "old person's" life, not much going on and not much excitement.  (Frankly, I'm not a big fan of excitement on a daily basis.  I prefer things calm.)  And other times it feels like we're busy.  Maybe not busy for lots of people with young families involved in all kinds of sports, etc.  But busy enough that I sometimes long for a "down time" day.

Today kind of feels like a full(ish) day.  We did our morning walk - I truly miss that on Wed. and Fri. when I go to class and there's not really time for a morning walk.  Then I quickly ran up to the store, helped The Husband find something to spray on the veggie garden for the gnats that's safe.  Trying to decide if I should vacuum today or if I can manage some time tomorrow.  The Husband is off for his monthly Third Thursday lunch with the old guys and then I've scheduled an appointment for us at the temple.  I think we need to be there.

It kind of feels like maybe one thing a day is enough.  I remember I was told years ago by a friend that "one thing a day" is an old person's thing.  And yup, that's what it feels like.  Sometimes more than that just feels like too much trouble/work.

Goldback dollars.
We've had a decent week.  Celebrated Father's Day (thanks to all our children who reached out, so grateful you care) and The Husband's birthday.  People are so clever and thoughtful with their gifts for him. Our friends gave him some "GoldBack dollars" which we'd never heard of before.  So fun. (Along with the subscription to Completing the Puzzles and the beautiful glass suncatcher and gift card to restaurant!  Everyone was generous and careful in their gifts.) Class at the rec center was great and I am looking forward to tomorrow's class as well.  I like that some days are full of gratitude and kindness and less plentiful in stress and anxiety. 

Also, the neighborhood has been quiet this week - it's youth conference and all the noise, commotion and energy is off at the conference with the kids.  I've enjoyed the peace. 

I came across this article this morning - loved the little "joke" that turned into an uplifting, strengthening thing for the author.  Almost makes me want to go find some miniature Jesus figurines to put around so I will find Him more in my daily life. Finding Jesus

I've been working really hard on having the Spirit of the Savior with me on the regular.  Every Sunday I take the Sacrament and renew those baptismal covenants.  I truly want to have that Spirit with me every day, lifting my behavior to better levels of kindness and care, reducing my behavior levels of resentment and envy and judgement.  I do truly want to be a better person.  

I'm grateful for prayer that sustains me in those efforts.  And also so grateful for the example of Jesus Christ.  Grateful for the "things" that surround me helping my small world feel comfortable and easy.  I'm so very grateful for family members who let The Husband know he's important.  And today, I'm grateful for hugs.  I think I'm still running in the deficit for those from my childhood years where they were almost completely absent.

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