Must Have Opposition

Lately it feels like life is full of frustration.  In many areas.  

I've been frustrated with my silly foot.  Podiatrist is still not quite sure what's going on.  Gave me the option of wearing a boot for three weeks to see if things will heal, or going straight for the MRI to get a better idea.  He thinks there's a small neuroma, but figures there's a few teensy tiny tears in the ligaments (at least that's what I think he said, and not the tendons).  I tend to go the conservative route.  So:  the boot it is.  It's a dang ugly, heavy, big thing.  But after wearing it most of the day yesterday I admit I think it does help.  Immobilization so things don't continually get aggravated and angry is often a good approach.  It's just so exhausting. (Thankfully I don't have to wear it every minute, only when I'm doing a lot of walking around.) And when I walk across a floor with the "thump, step, thump step"  I always have a mental flashback to when I was in labor with our first child and the student nurse (bless her heart) announced her coming into my room in just that way.  She had a cast on her leg and it was "thump, step, thump step" all the way down the hall.  She troubled me so much I finally told The Husband to keep her away from me.  Admittedly being in labor meant I wasn't at my best - at least The Husband was kind to her which was better than how I'd have handled it.  Anyway, I dislike that sound.  But am grateful for the help I'm counting on so I don't have to have the MRI, surgery or any other interventions.  The ice, the ibuprofen, the diclofenac - none of it had any lasting effect so clearly something more serious is going on.  The pain and annoyance of the boot is the opposition to being able to freely move around.  I miss my morning walks.  

We were the recipients of a shared dinner last night.  Not only was the food beautifully prepared and beautifully presented, it was truly one of the best meals ever.  Salmon is a favorite, so are brussel sprouts - especially when they're kind of crispy.  Whenever we're at a certain restaurant with our friends and I splurge and order them as a side and they come all dark and crunchy - well, I just love it. 

Yesterday was spent at the dealership having the annual oil change, tire rotation and

Absolutely delicious!!!

emissions inspections done on the car.  Not my favorite way to spend an entire morning.  The Husband went on several short walkabouts.  I was stuck staring at my boot and wishing healing was instant.  When I made the appointment she asked if I wanted "On The Spot" license renewal.  Does it cost extra?  No, she says.  Sure, I'll go for that.  But when I arrived the auto tech said it's always been $10.  I declined.  Came home after our errands and did the renewal of the license online - for free. It's early enough in the month that I'm confident the new decal will arrive before it expires.  

Managed to get the RMD of my tiny IRA at the credit union resolved.  At least I think so. Gosh, it's hard being old and having so many things to manage.

And today I'm grateful for so many things.  I know we must have opposition in all things so as to learn so many valuable lessons and skills.  But sometimes it feels a tiny bit hard.  I'm grateful there's a boot I can wear instead of having a heavy cast (and hopefully avoid surgery).  I'm grateful I have a choice about when and where to renew the license on our car.  I'm grateful there's someone to drive our car now that I'm not allowed.  (Dr. said it's illegal to drive with a boot.  Not surprised by that.)  Grateful that someone cooked enough of such a scrumptious dinner that we were able to be fed not only by kindness and generosity but thoughtfulness as well.  I'm grateful there's a little bit of money we put into an IRA a couple decades ago that now seems like a gift.  My annual distribution is about enough for a new pair of shoes (when I can wear shoes again)  so it isn't much.  But it feels like a an unexpected luxury not earmarked for something necessary. I'm grateful that in our basement there's an elliptical machine (unused for many years) that enabled me to have a bit of a workout this morning since I can't be out walking.  I prefer to be out in the sunrise and fresh, cool air.  But having the ability to still move my body enough to provoke shortness of breath, perspiration and tested muscles is a good way to start the day whether indoors or out.  Yes, another luxury. 

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