Another New Week

 With more chances to try to be a better human.  

The storehouse was a bit busy on Saturday.  The MeanGirlQueenBee (dare I say that?) is still hard.  I try really hard to ignore her (it is after all her attitude that is causing cliques and hurt) and not let her get to me.  But when I see how hurtful it is to others I just want to smack her.  Part of our fasting this last weekend was to know whether it's time to be done with this little mission, or whether to continue.  I'm pretty sure my decision, have yet to talk with The Husband.  Must do that.

Yummiest nachos
After the storehouse we decided to go to a little taqueria owned by a young man that looks about 18.  He's personable and kind (both times we've been there we've been given a free drink) and we so hope his business succeeds for him over the long haul.  We often split a meal - that day it was their al pastor nachos.  I don't know if I've ever seen nachos presented so beautifully.  And they were yummy.  Though my tendency is to eat too much (don't want to waste a penny of the luxury-eating-out-money) and was still struggling with that overeating misery I get by the next morning.  Sometimes it's worth it.  

Church yesterday was interesting.  Different than the usual people who bear their testimonies on Fast Sunday.  I was asked if I'd had a good week.  After a longer than necessary pause as I figured out what to say without being negative I just finally said, "sure". Got ready to go to church and I simply could not put that dang boot on again.  Was very careful in my walking.  I'm giving it until friday (that will be three weeks - again) and then I'll try just doing the taping and shoe pads.  This dang foot issue is more mentally taxing than I like, it seems I'm being taught patience - slow learner that I am.

Today we've a couple errands, and then Costco.  And I'm determined to fit in a car wash.  I will be driving a couple friends to lunch tomorrow and can't do it with the car in the awful dirty state it is. It'll probably be raining again this week because I'm washing the car.  That's the way of it.

I'm grateful today for clean air - I'll take the wind anytime if it clears the gunk from our air.  I'm terribly nervous about the jury selection on Wednesday and crossing my fingers that if I do end up on the jury, the trial won't be awful and won't last too long. I'm grateful for ibuprofen for my aching hands and feet.  And I'm grateful for a bit of hope that I can manage to be kind today.

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