B+ Life

I've been thinking about what I heard someone say a few weeks ago: Her goal is to live a B+ life. Much better than mediocre or even average. But not so far above average that she's requested/required to do things she doesn't want to do, or to have to say "no" to.

I puzzled over this for some time, had a discussion with The Hubby about it and sort of tucked it away to see if my perspective would change over time, because I ultimately decided that she was shortchanging herself.

Then this morning I was reading and came across a passage where a Mom was telling her daughter to just "do her best". And I came full circle back to that B+ philosophy. And decided that my thoughts haven't changed.

I believe that for a lot of us, the desire to do our best, be our best and put our best out there is innate. And when we settle for less - a B+ instead of an A (if one were to be graded) we limit not only our potential but eventually our desire for excellence.

The mundane is pretty dominant around us. Excellence a little less so. And while I'm not a big fan of self-proclaimed excellence or even excellence for others to observe, I am a huge fan of excellence for excellence's sake, doing things privately for the best of reasons, accomplishing good that only the angels see and spreading kindness that has no expectations of reciprocation.
That said, I'm also wondering where I can get that kind of excellence. I feel pretty average today.

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