
Happy Birthday to our youngest Daughter.  Spent the day with Her and Her Son, and The Granddaughter. Bought food and shoes and food and had more food.

Forgot to follow the high altitude directions on the brownies.  (She doesn't care for cake.)  So they were more like chocolate crunch bars.  Didn't stop me from having more than my fair share, though.

I so love that we started and ended our immediate family with girls.  They're wonderful daughters.

I've been pleasantly surprised that not all the roses were a total loss.  The Husband pruned them right down to the ground.  And they've come up beautifully, the blossoms seem to be true and they are continuing to bloom.  So glad that Heavenly Father graced this world with roses.

The Granddaughter, The Husband and I did an 11.5 mile bike ride this morning.  It occurred to me as I was descending a hill, with my head tucked down by the handlebars so as to provide the least wind resistance I could, that I was in the exact position I was talking about yesterday.  Actually looked behind me to see if I was sporting one of those signs with flags:  Wide Load.

The Daughter witnessed today that thing that happens to me:  Complete strangers coming up to me and talking to me about all manner of things.  I didn't even have to get out of my car today.  This unknown lady  came right up, said "hi" and she was off and running.  I can tell you the history of the Ford Fiesta, what happened to hers, how many miles she has on her 2007 VW that she bought with 0 miles on it, the awful mechanic that ruined her Ford Fiesta, the trips she's taken to Wendover, Las Vegas, and Moab, and the trip she's taking next year after she saves some more money and......

Her cell-phone even rang and she ignored it to continue to talk to/at me.  Where did this come from?  I generally avoid talking to people.  So weird.   Must be some lesson in this for me that I have yet to figure out.  Maybe today's lesson is:  don't sit in my car with the windows down.

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