We're Back!

What a fabulous time we've had over the last nine days as we ventured out into the world for a little R&R.  Here are a few things I learned:

1.  "Southern" isn't just a place or even an accent.  It's more a state of mind.

2.  Never buy a peach just because "it smiled at me" - that's usually the oldest one.  Try for a shy one, they're usually fresher.

3.  The Sacrament is much quieter when some thoughtful soul lines the water trays with paper towels so the cups don't make any noise when dropped back in after use.

4.  Relief Society lessons read straight from the manual can be just as enlightening and uplifting as others that are supplemented and expanded.  Loved it. (The best part of Sunday:  spending most of it with The Granddaughter out there for college.  Well worth the 7 hours round trip on the road.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat!)

5.  Walks on the beach by the light of the full moon might be more fun if critters didn't crash about in the underbrush scaring me so.

6.  Love the Carolina style BBQ.  Bart's in particular.  And also their hushpuppies.  Yum.

7.  Don't care for the cockroaches.  So glad we only found 2 - one dead and another soon-to-be-dead.

8.  Postal workers are surly all across the country.  Although I did manage to wrangle a chuckle out of her. (Along that line, I read this that same day "It's hard to live grumpy.")

9.  Sea stars are slippery little things.  Try to grab them quick before the next wave sweeps them away.  Bye...

10.  Early morning walks along the beach are still one of the best ways to start the day.

10.a.  Shade is your friend.

11.  One of life's sweetest and most expensive little luxuries:  99 cent-fresh-hot-Krispy-Kreme doughnuts.

12.  The beach saved the coveted sand-dollars for the last day.  I knew mine wouldn't survive the trip home since it was already cracked and fragile.  But the elation of finding it is a sweet savored reward - whole sand dollars were rare on the beach this trip, thanks to hurricane Irene.

13.  Never underestimate the importance of high-quality 2-ply toilet paper.  Forget the single-ply bargain brand.  Not worth it.

14.  Charlie's is our new favorite BBQ restaurant.  If you don't mind the folksy atmosphere, the community seating and chats with the owner, the food is groaningly good.  Stop in when you're in Garner, N.C.

15.  Even grey, cold, rainy days at the beach can be fully appreciated.  (But so glad we only had one day of it this trip.) Nothing like the surf, the sound, the soul-healing peace of the beach.

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