Pack Rat / Dark Side

The Husband has a hard time throwing things away.  Yesterday we acquired a new fry pan.  Standing in the aisle at the store I pointed my finger at him and told him I wanted a promise he would toss the old one in the garbage.  With a totally straight face he told me he couldn't do that.  I let it go figuring I would take care of it.

So this morning getting ready to put the freshly washed new pan in the pan drawer, and looking for the old one to get rid of, I discovered I'd been beaten to it.  The old pan has disappeared.  Ostensibly to the hiding place with the other replaced pans to be used for target practice the next time the guys go shooting.  (The last time was years ago.  We'll have at least a full replacement set by the next time they go.)

We have 3 - count them - 3 air compressors.  Only one works.  The broken (and replaced) two are for parts scavenging - never mind they're all different brands.

I may have "never met a container I didn't like", but I try to not save them all.  :^)

I heard this sentiment tonight - not word for word - but the idea is the same.  Something along the lines of not letting your dark side out, nothing good will come of it.  That "dark side"  encompasses many things:  frustration, anger, resentment, envy, arrogance, selfishness....

Sometimes I think I'm a poster child for all of those traits of the dark side.  Sigh....and it's true, nothing good ever comes from it.  Thank heavens The Husband has a good supply of patience for me.  (Along with all those "things" he just can't seem to part with!)

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