Being Positive

Sometimes I feel like whining.  (And sometimes I actually do whine! - even though I shouldn't and probably do it w-a-y more often than I think I do....)

So, today, I'm going to be positive.

My toes sure enjoyed their dip into the snow pile to retrieve the newspaper early Monday morning.  Wasn't expecting that cold of a foot wash.  Thanks, newspaper-delivery-person for that wake-up!

I loved the soup and sandwich I had at Zupa's yesterday.  Even though my tastebuds were so ready for the Reuben sandwich I missed out on, on account of our local Gandolfo's being closed until further notice.  Otherwise I wouldn't have ended up at Zupa's.

I'm so content with my bathroom scales.  I much prefer the reading on my own over the ones at the doctor's office.  Theirs always read a minimum of 5 pounds more than mine.  (Yes, I get on them naked at home, fully clothed at the doctor's, before food at home, after food at the doctor's. Still...)

It was good for me to be able to be up and about so early this morning.  Fortunately I didn't sleep well enough that I had any issues rising early.

So glad for people around that are tyrants.  They make me re-assess (on a fairly regular basis) my own behavior, reminding me to be kind and Christian.  I sincerely wouldn't want to be that kind of tyrant in my treatment of others.  (Although I have - and continue - to do some serious repenting of my own behavior.)

Looking forward to the cold front / winter storm to come through the valley.  The absence of wind when the storm passes will be delightful.

Happy for The Husband to be able to take a road trip.  (And so grateful for a good road trip car!)  I have been able to eat whenever, wherever the whim takes me.  (Except for Gandolfo's.)

Ok, enough...I think I've managed to get that sarcasm out of my system for today.  I hope so.


  1. I loved this non-whining expression of a great day!! I have heard that cold foot baths on a regular basis keep colds away and keep the heart beating! Love you!!

  2. Too funny! Love to read your words!
