Trip, Go Or Stay?

So...I've been craving a get-a-way.  Seems like every year at this time I wish for somewhere to go, something out of the ordinary, something really, really fun!!!  (Last year it was our Christmas trip to NYC and Wicked, Phantom and Mary Poppins.  It was really fun!) I mentioned it to The Husband, and he (as he is wont to do) simply told me to find somewhere, book the flights and let's go.

But, hating (yes I'm a hater when it comes to this) to spend his hard-earned cash, I postponed doing anything.

The Husband's work computers picked this week to die.  Seriously.  He's been putting off taking them in to the office for several reasons.  But, no more.  Can't be delayed any longer.  And since he has 4 of them that need resurrecting, he'll be driving.  A road trip!  (I know he's secretly very excited about this, but doesn't say it out loud since he doesn't want me to think he's happy to be leaving me. And I know he's looking forward to the Google Cafes.)

I could go along to the office.  I thought about it.  Considered it from many angles.  And even, in a way, longed for it.

But he'll be driving in to the office by himself.  With a stop on the way (our daughter and her family live conveniently half-way to the office) to see some of the grandchilluns.

So instead of a get-a-way for me, it'll be an eat-a-way.  I'll figure out how to eat out as much as I can; and still stay under 250 pounds.  (that last part might be a challenge...) Let's see, I'm up to about 12 places.  And he'll only be away for 7 days (one of which is a do-not-spend-money-day).  Hmmm, this could be tricky.

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