
Yet again, by technology.  (Or is it just that I'm old and hampered when overwhelmed with too much "stuff" at once?)  I'm sitting in the chair, waiting to hear from The Husband.  I've got my cellphone, the cordless home phone, the tv remote and the iPad.  And when the phone rings I try to answer with the remote control or the iPad and can't figure why something is still ringing!

But, The Husband would be pleased - I was out driving in the lovely spring sunshine, looking at all the pretty flowering trees lining the streets and put in a cd that I really like and just cranked it up, bounced (just a teensy bit) in the car and thoroughly got into it.  (Must have looked completely ridiculous:  this old-grey-haired-lady-driving-the-conservative-pruis-sedately-down-the-road-with-the-music-blasting-through-the-sunroof-singing-along.  Yep, that was me.)

And I'm counting down the minutes - the plane lands in about 30, then it's only a few minutes to the car, a few minutes speeding down the road, a few minutes into the garage and then my hug deficit will begin to be satisfied!

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