
Here are some favorites I've gathered over the last few days:

Favorite movie of the weekend:  the only one we saw, Brave.  (And no, we didn't take any children, just ourselves, and still felt rewarded when we heard the children's laughter throughout the theater.)

Favorite meal of the weekend:  the bacon and egg breakfast we had for dinner.  Second place:  our Corner Bakery meal and third place goes to Jamba Juice consumed at Astroburger while The Husband ate.

Favorite book-I-wish-I-hadn't-read:  Joni Hilton's Funeral Potatoes.

Favorite prayers:  the ones in norwegian given by our friends - they leave this week for a mission in Norway.

Favorite welcome:  Being greeted with a smile and a hug (I don't feel like I'll ever fill that hug deficit that's leftover from my childhood)  from a book group friend when I saw her out in the foyer at church.

Favorite quote:  "I always feel good when I make the Bishop cry."

Favorite laziness:  sleeping in until 8 - yes 8 a.m. on Saturday.

Favorite passage from a book:  learning to rejoice to the end not just endure to the end.

Favorite memory:  The tender mercy from the Husband when he just got up from his stool at the counter, approached me and wrapped his arms so completely tight around me it squeezed most of the hurt feelings away.

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