
Came home from church on Sunday and checked the phone.  We'd missed a call, but whoever it was had left a message.  Putting the phone on speaker mode, we played the message and burst into astonished laughter.

Mike Winder, our county mayoral candidate, announced himself and then proceeded to sing "Happy Birthday" to The Husband.  The song was followed by a short self-endorsement and then the call disconnected.

The Husband was a bit pseudo-indignant about there being too much of his personal information out there.  (I'm guessing that secretly he was sort of pleased about the whole thing.)

I'm mostly intrigued.  I wonder which of his staff had the bright idea for him to do this "public interest" kind of thing. And I wonder how much money and time is expended in acquiring the information and then making the phone calls.  Is the time spent on the phone calls doubled or tripled if someone actually answers? How many of these phone calls does he make?  And how does he find the time?  (I postpone calling any single person for any single thing until it can't wait any longer!)

And most importantly:  what does his wife think about all of it?  Inquiring minds (mine) want to know.

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