Tuesday / Pioneer Day

Sometimes I feel like a pioneer - whenever I head out to do something I've not done before. Or whenever we embark on a new phase in our marriage.  And sometimes I'd rather not be a pioneer, I guess I'm too lazy.  Anyway, we've got some decisions to make, and fairly quickly.  I'm not good at that.  I'd like someone (i.e. Heavenly Father) to just tell me what to do and that it will be ok.

My parameters:  Spend as much time as possible with The Husband.  Try to not sell the house.  That doesn't sound like too much to ask, does it?

And my "morning trail oddities"? Seeing a guy trudging along the south end of the trail. (Hardly ever see anyone walking out there, that's part of it's charm!) He was quite round, wearing shorts - you know, those long baggy ones guys favor? A heavy hooded sweatshirt (long sleeves - it's July and warm out!) those tan workboots with the dark brown collars at the top - untied so he was mostly shuffling and a heavy bag over his shoulder.  He was all in brown, dark brown pony-tailed hair, dark mustache.  Never seen him before.  Wondered who he is, and what his story is that he looks like he's carrying all his worldly possessions along that trail.

The other oddity:  The 50 lb. competitive bicyclist standing straddling her bike across the middle of the trail at the top of a little hill just beyond a blind corner.  I nearly crashed trying to avoid her.  Thanks, sweetie (and Bless Your Heart), for your consideration and awareness of others.

And I read this earlier - thought it was pretty accurate (especially considering it was written by a male): Men are just little boys with full-time jobs.

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