
Walking the trail last week, I spotted a couple up ahead of me.  By the time I got close enough to capture them on my phone's camera, their route took a detour off the trail and up through the park.  I barely got this picture before they disappeared. (To view the picture larger, just click on it.)

I don't know who they are, never even caught a glimpse of their faces.  But....I did follow them for quite some distance.  And during that time they never ever let go of one another.  Just two (presumably) sweet older people out for a morning stroll.  Enjoying the sunrise and conversation.

It seems lately I've seen a number of older couples out and about, always with their clasped hands between them.  I'm not sure why, but this consistently evokes an emotional response from me.

Perhaps I've got a bit of the romantic in my soul.  Or perhaps there's a sense of longing involved.  Whatever it is, I usually think:  I want that.  The Husband and I have had more than a glimpse of that sort of depth in our relationship - the kind that evolves over time (through shared life's experiences) - that intertwines two hearts in a sort of inseparable completeness. And we work toward an increase in meaning in our marriage.

What a treasure from our Heavenly Father - and one for which I hope to be ever aware. I think if I could have one wish for other people, that would be the one.  A heart that reaches out and unites with your own.

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