I Don't Know...

Whether to be sad or relieved.  I finally was able to get in to see a podiatrist about my foot.  It's been painful for some time.  But much worse, lately.  And swollen.  And I absolutely can't be off of it - I'm not planning to be an invalid anytime soon - or ever.

I expected to find a fracture or break of some kind.

Diagnosis:  arthritis.  So, I guess, once again, it's official:  I'm old.  I have an old person's ailment.  The joints in the middle of my foot are getting close to being bone-on-bone.

The good news:  he doesn't want me to necessarily stay off my foot, just wear more supportive shoes than flip flops.  Sigh.  It seems I just barely got converted to them.  The beach trip is still on, just need to wear sandals when I walk the beach.  The elliptical is actually just fine for me to do.  Bicycling is also fine.

The bad news:  it's not going to get better.  More likely to get worse.  I am heading for the glucosamine/chondroitin regime (even though I'm trying really hard to avoid drugs) and need to be pro-active where the anti-inflammatories are concerned.  Tonight I'll be trying the cold/heat therapy and wearing the compression sock.

Bottom line:  I tend to be mostly relieved when I have the information I need to process what's going on.  Information is good.  Arthritis - not so much.  But now that I know what's what, I can deal with it.  Going in to get the cold pack (remember, he said, always start and end with cold).

And, My Love:  Couldn't get through one minute of this life without you.

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