Middle Of The Week

Wednesday's label (my own label, no one else's) of being the least interesting day of the week still applies.  Although there were a couple highlights today.  The first being my morning walk on the trail (loaded up on ibuprofen because of this silly arthritis flare-up in my foot).  70 degrees, cloudy, air smelling morning fresh, stiff breeze and on the way home was met by The Husband.  Pretty-near-perfect morning for a walk.

Second, was being taken for lunch by The Husband.  We don't often do this - he works pretty hard.

And the third most interesting thing....hm, I guess there wasn't a third.  Like I said:  Wednesdays - ho-hum, uninspiring, bland.

Which gave me some time to think - I not only have an inquiring mind, it wanders.  Thought about a person who was concerned because they didn't think they were making an impact on those around them.  I'm a bit conflicted.  Sure, we're here to serve. (In my mind there is a subtle, yet distinct difference between "impacting" others and serving them.)  But we're also here to learn and to grow.  Our primary goal should not be to mold or change or (insert your own verb here) another.  That somehow presupposes we are better than others or think of ourselves as on a higher plane.  I should instead work on eliminating my own faults and transgressions.  And work also on my testimony and my unselfishness.  It isn't really my place to "improve" another or make them follow the (my) rules.  I hope to leave that to a Higher Power.  Heaven knows I have enough to do working on my own issues.

Now, let's hope I can keep that in mind next time I get irritated with someone for - well - whatever.  I hope I can keep in mind that they're doing the best they can.  And believe it.  And hope for the same allowance from them.

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