
Read an article this morning.  The basic premise was that the key to success is to feel gratitude.  The article went on to explain that the emotion of gratitude is like a muscle and the more one exercises it the stronger and more resilient it becomes.

I've long felt that gratitude is huge in our lives.  And as important as repentance is in our daily reconciling with Heavenly Father, I believe gratitude is its worthy companion.

Tonight one thing I'm grateful for is that I wasn't sitting near that old guy (at Olive Garden) who was sitting at the table combing his hair.  He actually had quite nice mostly gray hair, thick and wavy and a tad longer than lots of men.  But, really....combing it at the table in a restaurant?

On a more serious thought - I love September.  I'm so grateful to see the end of the really hot summer weather.  I love the cooler nights.  I love the sense of settling in, snuggling down for the pending winter.

All during the night last night and throughout the day we've had some weather.  Cooler temps, lots of clouds being tossed through the sky by the wind, and later this afternoon and evening some pretty substantial thunder and lighting punctuated with rain.

Was called out on the back patio just before 8 p.m. to see this:

It looked almost like the sky was sending a good-night smile.  (ya, I know, it's upside down, but it still looked like happiness to me.) In my mind, gratitude generally (if not always) equals happiness.  Tonight I'm grateful for rainbows.

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