Wednesday's Random Mind-Wanderings

My morning bike ride (12 1/2 miles) was in 51 degree weather - loved - it and netted me a spontaneous smile and a bit of conversation from a friend-couple that I saw on the trail.

Came in the house to find this rose from our yard.  Every year I determine that I will have fresh-cut roses in the house the whole summer long.  And for the last few years, it's just too hot to go out and work in them.  Because cutting means pruning and dead-heading and so on.  Such a sweet gesture from The Husband.

Received a fun e-mail this morning.  You know, one of those you like to share with others.  In the past there has been a friend that I couldn't wait to share stuff like this with.  Can't do that anymore.  Miss it.

A friend brought over some Nashi pears the other night.  They are quite early this year.  And they taste so wonderful.  I'm so glad all the trees - from the orchards that were here long before the houses - weren't removed.

And I just had to share the progress of the orchid.  It is looking mighty fine, can't wait to see the blooms.  If I remember, this is one orchid that has quite a pleasing scent.  Up close you can see there will be lots of blossoms on this one stem.  What fun.

And a last thought:  I remember when the smaller home computers were just new.  The hype was that they were going to be so useful (true, they are) and would save us so much time.  I'm wondering about that saving time thing.  It seems like I spend a lot of time on my computer (and who'd have thought I'd have not only a computer all my own, but two of them if you include my iPad).  I'm not saying that it is necessarily a bad thing.  Just wondering what I'm doing with all that time I'm saving.....

I was asked to play for a gal in our ward to sing on Sunday in Sacrament meeting.  I hope the music isn't really hard, I'm still waiting to see it.

And, as usual, I'm really stretching to find something interesting to say on a Wednesday.

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