Blue Chair

Roughly 18 or 20 years ago I bought this chair.  The Husband was spending more time in his office at home and I wanted to be in the room where he was.

So, I came home with this swivel rocker.  It isn't anything fancy.  Just a simple little chair.  If I remember correctly, I didn't even have much choice of color - I'm not into browns or rusts or greens, so it seems like this blue was what was left. I've stitched many a stitch and read many a book while sitting in this chair.

When we moved into our current home, the chair was relegated to the basement.  Wasn't used for a short time.  Then we were assigned a special home teacher.  He was getting on in years and it was difficult for him to sit in or stand from the other furniture in the living room. came the blue chair.  It has become the home teacher's chair.  Ever since that first home teacher, we've had home teachers that are, shall we say, more experienced in years.  Their bodies are not so limber.

This chair isn't really a great looking living room chair.  But in our living room it stays.  We enjoy the men who occupy it.  We enjoy having a chair that they can feel comfortable in and can effect sitting and standing from it pretty much on their own.

I've had offers from visitors to help me "decorate" my living room in the style currently in vogue in the area.  I smilingly shake my head and say thanks, but no thanks.  I'm attached to this silly little chair.  It is important to me.  I'd rather have someone feel comfortable here than be in awe of decor that doesn't have any personal meaning.

I'm partial to rocking chairs.  Pretty much every seat in my house would be a rocker if I had my druthers.  Yes, even at the dinner table.  And I'm counting on the hope that in heaven (and I am hoping to get there) there will be rockers.  Hopefully one just like our little blue chair.

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