Looks Can Be Deceiving

Since I've managed to make some headway into the large stack of books that accumulated while we were on our trip, I decided to head out for a walk on the trail this morning.  (I've been down on the treadmill or elliptical, multitasking (reading while I exercise) most mornings.)

It was only 35 degrees out this morning - perfect for an invigorating walk.  But...I had forgotten.

This fairly innocent looking weed is quite abundant in our area.  I haven't a clue as to its identity.  But I can certainly identify it by its smell.

Picture in your mind the most awful stinky, dirty, foot odor, multiply it by, oh, maybe a million times, and you have the way this particular plant smells when it is blooming, as it does each fall.

Then, multiply that horrific scent by the over-abundance of the plants sprouting every possible place they can grow and you have:

Instant Nausea.

Not my favorite way to start the morning.  Although the morning walk out in the sunrise, seeing my friends the horses and listening to the birdies sing to me almost made up for it.

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