Monday Mourning

Mourning the absence of The Husband as he's away for a couple days.  I miss him.

Mourning the absence of my morning walk on the trail.  Due to seasonal pollution in the air that I wish to remain in the air and not reside in my lungs, I exercised indoors.

Mourning the soon-to-be-end of another two week free Sirius radio on my car.  I refuse to pay for it, don't need it, only put 3500 miles a year on my car so it would be a waste.  But periodically they run one of these trial periods to entice me to part with some cash and so for a short time, I again enjoy the satellite radio.

Mourning the end of a holiday week and the need to get back into a routine.  (Not really, just felt like I needed to add another thing to the list.  But sort of mourning the beginning of the mandatory shopping season.  Don't care for spending money.  Don't really know what to get for people.  Wish Christmas could be more about The Savior.)

So glad I'm not mourning anything else.  Much rather be celebrating.  I'll work on that.

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