I Feel Like Such An Idiot

Was preparing the other day for the annual Christmas lunch with my friends of 20+ years.  Was so dismayed to find that I got them each the same thing last year for Christmas.  Same...but different.  Still, though, the same.

Feel kind of like Flo in Flo and Friends where she states that she's needing to re-think how she shops for others.  That the gag gifts at the white elephant party she went to were all gifts she had given in years past.  Now I get that when you give a gift you relinquish all ownership and expectation.  Still...can't I at least be original once in awhile?  I promised my friends that I won't do the same thing again next year, although I suppose the third time would make it a tradition.  (Thanks, my friends, for your graciousness.)

I've longed to be not only original, but creative.  I'd love to be able to throw a fabulous party, find fun things to do with people (i.e. the grandchilluns) when they come over, to manage just the right gift, to be a great hostess.  And more.  I can't.  It just isn't in me.  I quake at the thought of large groups / noise / confusion / mess.  Not really into spending money for all the aforesaid items.  Thus, I always feel lacking and failing in the obvious comparison to those whose talents in that arena are clear and beckoning to all. (Although I would hope to draw the line at bringing a broccoli tree to a potluck dinner.)

The answer, of course, is to find a way to shine in my own way.  Like Rudolph.  I think he has the copyright on the red nose.  I'll keep looking (I think my shiner has burnt out.) In the meantime, if we have a party, I'll leave the games to the guests, the hosting to The Husband and I'll be the one in the kitchen, behind the scenes.  It's more comfortable for me there.

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