
Scales with my preferred weight.
I confess.  I envy.  I envy the "beautiful people":  those people who seem to effortlessly maintain slender physiques.  Now at 5' 1-1/2" (I usually just say 5'2") tall, I'm w-a-y too short for my weight.  I come from a family of plump people, so it is safe to say the genes are stacked against me.

I try really hard to eat healthy.  Including the good-for-everything-that-ails-you chocolate.   I exercise generally 5 out of every 7 days. Nevertheless, somewhere along the line I've plumped up like a fat chicken ready for the oven.

Haven't been super successful at weight loss efforts. I did lose 30 pounds, then broke my arm and promptly put 20 back on.  Thought I had safely stayed "down" those ten pounds.

Then, last week, our scales decided to have a melt-down.  Nothing for it but to replace them.  Which we did.  Stepped on them and w-h-a-t???  I gained 5 pounds just stepping on a different scale!?!  GAH!! I want my old scales back.

And then, to top off the reality of today being Monday, found a piece of button on the floor. favorite sweater (and they're mostly all my favorite - just like colors, can't pick one and only) somehow decided to pop it's top button.  (And it wasn't because I'm too fat for my sweater!)

So, today's gratitude:  that it's almost time for bed and tomorrow will be a better day; if I'm lucky.  (Insert smiley face here.)

And today's inspirational quote I stumbled on:  "Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings."

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