Humbled / Puzzled

I'm often humbled (and puzzled) by things that happen in life.  Yes, they could often be coincidences.  I choose to believe, though, that occurrences are frequently a means of reminding me how I should behave, remember what my priorities are and that I should always be kind.  Because, you just never know.
First spot directly in front of the store.

Driving from the street into the parking lot of the store, I spied the perfect spot and headed right towards it.  Only to find someone had come out of nowhere and commandeered my chosen parking place.  Having learned that it doesn't really matter where I park (I just have preferences - like "endies"  the spots on the end where my chances of getting door-dinged are reduced by 50%) instead of bawling the guy out (from the safety of my car) I just said: aw, darn, and drove on.  

Only to find this primo spot right in front of the door - where I've never before found an empty spot at this particular store.  Things work out - and often for the better when I manage to rein in my base, selfish impulses.  Something I have the opportunity to work on every day. (Notice the murky air in the background of the picture. )

Not flowers, but frost.'s back.  The inversion.  Although this one will be short lived.  Along with the inversion we've had some fog which causes some mighty lovely special effects on the plants.  I missed the best shot - the one of the trees in our amphitheater.  But these trees were still pretty all decorated in frost.

Tonight's gratitude:  For a snug, warm home that will feel more homey when The Husband returns.

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