
I'm rarely sick.  I dislike being sick.  I avoid it at all costs.  I wash my hands - a lot.  I try to not touch things I think might be detrimental to my health.  I try to not be in the path of someone's cough.

But...I did it.  I caught a cold.  Haven't a clue where it came from, could be anywhere that I've been as I've traversed the valley doing errands, placing myself in the path of the cold virus that just had me targeted.

And I've been miserable.  (I generally try to go with the use of understatement to make my case.  Not this time...I really am miserable.  And yes, it's just a silly cold.)  Just walking through the house makes me weary.

I've been a slacker - haven't vacuumed or cleaned house or done much cooking.  I've worn gloves to prepare The Husband's food (and been careful to not cough on him - it would be awful if he got this cold!).

Today, after 2 1/2 days on the couch, moaning and whining and hacking and honking I needed to leave this house.  So off we went to Olive Garden (where we rejected several pieces of dirty silver) for some of their salad and Zupa Toscano.  This did more for my spirits than the actual food did for my body.  I loved being out in the 46 degree sunshine.

I came home exhausted, but gratefully so.  What a blessing to have the resources to get out and about and splurge on a meal someone else has fixed, have it served to you (with a smile) and eat your fill, waddling home with a bulging tummy.

Tonight's gratitude:  for the knowledge that in a few days I'll be over this!  And the reminder of how grateful I am for generally good health - a huge blessing!

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