Junk Food / Food Hog

I admit it.  I have a love/hate relationship with food.  I really dislike the actual process of eating.  At the same time,  I so enjoy the taste of some things (but never ever never onions).

Try as I might, and sometimes I try mightily hard, it is difficult for me to completely give up sugar, even though I know how bad it is for me.

These little orange (and yellow and green and whatever color they come in) guys are one of my favorites.  There's something about the texture / flavor I just love.  (I've been known to eat circus peanuts that are stale enough to break a windshield.)

Give me some movie theater popcorn - the real stuff- and get out of my way because it is nearly impossible for me to do anything but inhale it. (I look just like a hog at a trough.)  If I don't start, I'm pretty much ok, so I try to not start.

Gelato, quality ice cream:  I can immerse myself in it.  Decent chocolate:  I'm there.  (Starting to be selective and only want the good stuff, can turn down the cheapo chocolate - unless I'm desperate.) Croissants:  fill them with chocolate and give me a dozen.

Simply add spoon and enjoy!
One of my favorite indulgences is frozen custard.  Fortunately we have to trek a ways to get it, consequently it isn't as frequent an indulgence as it might otherwise be.  Today's flavor:  Andes mint.  Scrumptious.

This love/hate relationship with food translates into a hate/hate relationship with the bathroom scales, mirrors, my jeans and every store dressing room I've ever been in.  You'd think I'd learn my lesson.  But, alas, I am weak when it comes to my tastebuds.  Will there be delights like these in heaven?

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