
Since I so love yardwork (not) I have to really mentally prepare for getting out there.

We have some very fun double daffodils that have the most delightful scent.  They've been buried under the leaves The Husband spread around (not quite knowing what the wind would do with those leaves over the winter) as mulch.  I didn't want to miss the daffodils.

5, yes, 5 full garbage bags.
So this morning was the day.  The day for me to gird my loins and head out to clean out the front flower beds of the leaves and winter debris.  It was supposed to be a quick easy job, particularly after the recent clean out of the amphitheater.

Not only did it take longer, but I filled more ginormous garbage bags. Happily, the results of my efforts are obvious. The daffodils are reaching their heads toward the sun and will no doubt be bursting into bloom in the very near future.  So pleased we didn't miss their performance.

YAY!  Peonies in progress.
One year, I planted 9 peonies that I picked up at Costco.  Only one plant grew. The first spring was a disappointment - the peony was only a couple inches high - didn't look like it was going to amount to much. Each year it has grown bigger and stronger and remains one of my favorites.  (If I could have a garden populated with all my favorites it would look like what I imagine the Garden of Eden looked like.  But where would I find the space for all my favorites?)  What happiness to clean around the peony to find these sweet shoots finding their way to springtime.  May will be such a pretty month!

The "attaboy" (or is it really "attagirl"?) I received was in the form of lunch out with My Sweetie at Cafe Rio.  The sun is shining, some of the hard outside work is done, the ibuprofen has begun to work it's magic on my tired back and I snagged a couple M&M's after lunch.  (Gratitude for chocolate continues.)

The Husband claimed he was jealous of me getting to work outside.  But I know the truth...he just wants all the fun yard work for himself.

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