Wednesday's Wishes

Wish there was no such thing as Crohn's disease.  Wish I could snap my fingers and heal others.

Wish that I could eat whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted and I would just be healthy, slender and beautiful.  (Wishing tonight's indigestion from overindulging would disappear.)

Wish I knew what's up with people.  Went to the grocery this morning.  Was in the store for maybe an hour.  Had no less than 10 people greet me / ask me how I'm doing.  Even other customers just walking past me looked at me and smiled.  Wasn't feeling particularly social, so I don't think I invited that.

Where is that star that I can wish upon and all my wishes will come true?

And today I think I did something that might qualify as a good deed:  I thought to purchase a lime for The Husband's soda that he also was not expecting.  Surprise goodies are good deeds aren't they?

Today's photo brought to you by the interesting little community of Draper.  Where the cows range in a field across the creek from the city park, and the cow field is next to the city senior center which is next to the city/county library, in basically the center of the city.
Good Morning Cows and Cow-ettes

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