10 Thoughts For A Wednesday

 1.  So love how fresh the air is after a summer-style spring thunderstorm. Made my morning jaunt extra fun.

 2.  The lilac tour has begun.  I've actually stopped my car, jumped out to inhale deeply then continued on my way.  Also made several smell stops on my walk.

 3.  Have had several people "like" one of my online book reviews the last few days.  Makes me feel important.

 4.  Our paper shredder shredded its last.  (We'd had the previous one for over 12 years so I think we pretty much just wore it out.)  We ordered a new-improved version from Costco that arrived today.  Who'd have thunk shredding paper could be fun?

Good oriole nesting place.
 5.  Visited a friend who has relocated from the hospital to a rehab center.  She looked so lovely - she'd just had her hair done. I even got a smile.

 6.  I've been very used to seeing our old cottonwoods through the window in skeleton form.  Have so enjoyed their stark beauty against the sky.  Still get almost startled when I look out the window and see green leaves covering those bone-branches.  Love it.

 7.  Managed to finish my 5 miles this morning with nary a bark-attack from any dogs.  Second day in a row for this.  Tender mercy that I didn't even know I needed until it arrived.

 8.  The baker at Bake 360 has promised his fantabulous brownies for the weekend (Mother's Day).  I can't stop thinking about them.  Can't wait for the first bite.  Will mourn the last one.
New needles = happy tree. YAY!

 9.  And yes, yet another tree picture.  So love this signal that the tree is happy.  This is also the time of year I wander around touching all the new pine needles to see which ones are soft.

10.  I've always wondered why the lists are 10 things long.  10 things I like about...or My 10 favorite... or 10 things I hate....

11.  So just for the sake of rebelliousness my 11th thing is that I'm so grateful one of the tiny blessings that follows me around is the one of finding parking spots on the end.  Happens about 95% of the time.  Saves my car from dings.  And that green light thing:  it's a huge/small/welcome blessing to hit more green traffic lights than red ones.  Makes me happy.

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