
Aware, again, that most days are a mixture of good and bad, hope and disappointment, happy and some pain.

Chuckled to myself coming out of the library at the little toddler I passed who was wearing his sunglasses upside down.  He was perfectly comfortable.

Mini drama - waiting my turn to drive through the construction area I watched a woman leave her car (parked in the lot across the street) and quickly try to catch up with a man, crying and yelling all the way.  (My windows were closed, couldn't hear the conversation.)  Watched him shake his head and keep walking while she trudged back to her car, sobbing the whole way.  I dislike drama.  But my heart hurts more when stuff like this happens.  When it is someone I know (this wasn't) - or even me that's involved (yes, I've done drama, and not done it well) -  it feels like a teensy bit of my heart dies.  Whatever the reason for relationship issues, my heart hurts.

Girly tools for manly work.
Felt good to be back on the trail this morning.  Enjoyed my glimpse of this pink shovel.  Can't recall seeing a pink shovel before.  Wondered if that meant only girly girls can use it.

The Husband was the recipient of a lovely plate of home-made goodies.  In thanks for his helping out with a neighbor's plumbing problem back on Memorial Day.  He was flattered to be asked, happy to help and had no thought of reward.  Makes the thank-you even more memorable.  Those home-made crispy peanut butter balls were sheer heaven on my tongue.

After bingeing on Father's Day / Birthday treats and trying to get away from such things, my emotions are out of whack as I go through a bit of carb/sugar withdrawal.  It makes me weepy.  Dislike feeling so out of control.

An editorial in the paper this morning contained the phrase: "tyranny of caring".  The Husband and I had a mini discussion about this.  (Having been the victim - and haven't we all at one time or another) of said tyranny I "got"it immediately.  What a turn of phrase.  My immediate gut response was to determine to never be the perpetrator of such behavior.  Hopefully the phrase will stick in my mind and I'll be aware enough to avoid it.

Tonight's agenda includes a wedding reception.  I'm planning to keep those tears in check.


  1. hey friend, I may be dumb but I could use a definition of tyranny of caring

  2. Hi My Friend: My take on this is someone who - under the guise of caring about you, loving you, being your friend - then undertakes to determine how you must behave, think, feel. They become tyrants who demand you do as they say; exercise dominion over you of the most unrighteous kind. "Because they care about you" is their excuse for controlling you to be what they deem you must be. This was Mike's take on it as well. I was surprised to find someone had put just the perfect name to it.
