Friction Preventer

Used faithfully: prevents foot blisters.
Think I've mentioned before how afflicted I've been my whole life with blisters on my feet.  Came to the conclusion a long time ago that my feet must have just enough of a different shape (or perhaps it is how I walk on them) that causes there to be friction, the rubbing that causes blisters and issues.

Years ago, I finally listened to The Husband and bought some sports tape that I use on my heels and foot edges before "socking" and "shoeing".  It's a miracle!  No more blisters.

Of course The Husband suggested the tape for a long time before I actually acquiesced.  That old stubborn thing I've got going.

Have been thinking about that a bit.  How reluctant I was to try a simple little preventive care to avoid pain and suffering.  Yep... a lot like obedience. Or consideration of others.  Or good manners.  Or disciplining my tongue.  Lots of ways that a small measure of preventive care can avoid pain and suffering.

Went to re-supply my foot tape.  They were out of the brand I usually buy.  Bought the store brand.  Big mistake.  Didn't work.  Wasn't the right kind of adhesive.  Don't like it.

Yet another thought there:  substituting my own desires/guidelines/parameters won't give quite the same results as following the ones set forth by the Almighty.  Usually ends up being problematic.

I rarely put on a pair of shoes without my tape.  Too bad I can't govern my behavior as easily.

Today's gratitude:  The Husband has returned.  I will sleep well tonight.

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