Simply "Stream of Consciousness"

Yet another way to describe the randomness of my thoughts....

• So loved the south end of the trail this morning.  The lovely chorus of meadowlarks was such a lift to my soul.
 Pretty Penstemon Palmeri 

• Also noticed these wildflowers.  (At first thought they might be pretty blooming weeds, but no, they're indigenous wildflowers.  How fun!)

• Haven't been able to get this out of my mind.  Went to a meeting - the speaker mentioned that she saved all the thank you cards she receives.  Pulled out a book about 4" thick so she could refer to a couple of them.  Little (invisible) bubbles popped up over the heads of every person in the room:  "Wow, she must do a lot of nice things for people." She probably does.  I posit that everyone else in the room does likewise.  Decided I prefer to let the angels keep track of those good things.  Lots of good deeds go without the earthly reward of a thank you note.  Doesn't matter. What matters is the good that is done.  The result:  I decided that I must be more diligent in sending thank you notes to people who dispense good deeds/words my direction.  So they know how important their kindness to me is.

• Having a full-glass front door can be problematic.  Did something I don't recall ever doing before: didn't answer the door.  Went in response to the doorbell (of course, it was dinnertime).  Noticed the stranger/salesman standing there in spite of the bright red "NO SOLICITING" sign on the glass.  Decided to let The Husband answer the door so I turned around without opening the door.  Guess the stranger/salesman got the message, he trudged on before The Husband managed to get there.  So, perhaps having the full-glass front door was actually a blessing in this instance.  Saved me from grief.

• Spent the day at home.  Reading, cooking, sewing, giving and receiving hugs (The Husband - so glad he's home!) and generally enjoying being here.

Today's quote worth pondering:
"My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh.  But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain."  --Charlie Chaplin

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