Musings At The End Of a Monday

Was determined that I was going to pull out of this funk I've been in.  Then I went for a couple quick errands.  Between the construction that stops traffic everywhere (even in our little out of the way neighborhood) and the drivers who either never knew or forgot the basic rules of the road - (people turning right at an intersection do not yield to a driver turning left across the traffic - no matter how "kind" they think they're being.  When you change the rules to suit your mood you only impede traffic. And yes, I did call him an idiot.) - I ended up just plain mad.  The Husband keeps threatening to move to Boulder (UT).  Too many days like today and I just might take him up on it.

Received some schooling over the weekend about generosity.  I try really hard.  Some areas are harder for me (to be generous) than others.  Some things are no brainers.  Brownies should be one of them.  Can't believe I'm still learning how to be generous. (And kind.)

Stopped in at Paradise to spend the last of my gift card.  After my last experience I wasn't sure I'd ever go back.  But this time, not only did they get the order right, it was delicious and delivered with a smile.  Kudos to Paradise Bakery.

Managed to get caught up on the weekend-neglected vacuuming, laundry, bill-paying - even tossed in some sewing time.  That baby blanket just might get finished before her baby actually arrives.

Was disappointed in our local newspaper.  I'm fond of "you're."  I fear it will disappear from our ever-evolving language because of the prevalence of the use of "your" (and wrongly, I might add) in its place.  But...yep...there it was:  "your" instead of the proper "you're" right on the front page.  (Just like the ever present "I seen" instead of "I saw".)  "You're" -- I will miss you.

Nook - 77 Books to choose from.
Feeling a bit adrift.  I haven't a single book checked out from the library.  Started one from a friend that will be a DNF (did not finish).  Started another recommended by The Husband.  Probably another DNF (am currently at a low tolerance level for some of the language).  Thank heavens I have 77 books to choose from on my Nook.  (And lest anyone think I'm a spendthrift, each of those was either a free or deal-of-the-day book.  Haven't yet paid full price for anything on my Nook.)

Today's gratitude:  for roses  - their sweet aroma - and for plenty of tissues for sneezes!

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