Weekend Memories and Offhand Thoughts

The Daughter (and her two daughters) arrived on friday.  We had a lovely weekend.  Went to lunch with our other Daughter.  (Had a burned sammich, blech.)  It was another of our great "ladies lunches."

The Son (and wife and chilluns) stopped in for a visit.  What warmth to my heart to see the kids all playing together out in the yard.

Welcoming group hug = Smiles and happiness
Grandson and Granddaughter played the Wii for hours - things finished as nicely as they began.

Taped Soap dispenser
Went to the movie on Saturday (don't waste any money on After Earth!) and discovered yet another way to utilize that ever-so-handy duct tape.

Hugs from female progeny gave The Husband a huge smile. (We seem to love our group hugs.)

Listened to a sweet little baby be blessed today in church.  Noted with interest the father blessed him with acceptance of all people.  I'd like to run into this little guy in about 20 years and see what he's like.

Was treated to some warm fuzzies for The Husband who did a neighbor-plumbing-rescue the other day.  She was so grateful.

I think this is a happy peony bush, makes me smile

Enjoyed sitting out on the patio last night (relatives and friend included) until the allergies attacked so ferociously I had to flee indoors.  Last night's gratitude:  for some Claritin D that enabled me to sleep.

I know there are other things I mentally noted that I wanted to remember. They have disappeared into that great memory abyss that seems to collect all those things I wish to remember but never can.

Tonight's gratitude:  for sweet hugs, sweet memories, sweet testimonies.  Sweet things that help balance out the difficulties of life.

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