
Had such a delightful day today.  Our friends were in town and graciously spent the day with us.  They met us at church, then came to our house for the remainder of the time that our voices held out.  We could have gone longer (visiting and sharing laughter) but it got dark and time for them to head out.

I'm a survivor!
How fun to spend the day in conversation - where it felt like we just picked right up from where we left off the last time we were together a number of years ago.  We've kept in touch - I've followed their mission blog, we've emailed.  And though time has aged our bodies some, our spirits still feel young.  I thoroughly enjoyed the gift of this day.

This little rose was a gift I received and planted out in the yard.  That particular spot doesn't get quite enough water, and I forget to supplement the moisture this mini-rose needs.  Still, it far.

Reminds me of those who survive on a bare subsistence of kindness, or love, or even food. Courage keeps us going when it might be easier to give up.  I'll try to maintain the life of the rose, keeping it as a visual reminder to be kinder, gentler, more loving to those whose story I might not know, but who could use an extra measure of those efforts.

Favorite quote of the day (and I'm hoping I get this right):  Absolute truth without kindness wounds.

Today's gratitude:  for the beauties of this world.  Blessings abound.  For all of us.


  1. We had a wonderful time with you!! Quote: truth without love wounds. (You were close.)

  2. Ahh, I knew I had it wrong. Thanks so much for coming. Let's do it again!
