
Love the pose.
The visitors have come and gone.  Dinner appeared to be a success and I hope they felt comfortable and welcome here in our home.  It was fun to have them here.  Next time, we'll play tour guide a little more.

It was a red-letter day for The Husband: he wore shorts to his Insta-Lunch.  He wears shorts all the time - around the house. Almost never wears them out.  I think he's cute in them.  Besides, we're old enough now to do what we like. (No one else really cares anyway.)

Helicopters w-a-y off in the distance.
Been hearing lots of helicopters head over the mountains to the next valley over to fight the fire.  Feel sad for those who have lost their houses.

Been thinking a lot lately about kindness.  It really is more than the absence of hard-heartedness, indifference or antipathy.  It is about the state of one's heart.  How much a disciple of Christ one is. Decided there just isn't enough kindness in the world.  And I'm just as culpable as the next person.  It causes conflict in me to avoid a person because of their lack of kindness.  Somehow makes me feel less than charitable.  I understand that avoidance isn't quite the same as perpetuation.  Still, we always expect the most from ourselves.  I don't like it when I don't quite measure up - to my standards, not those of someone else.

The corollary that follows is that not everyone has the same standards for kindness, decency and concern for others.  Doesn't mean that I should lower mine.  And doesn't take away that conflict, either. Oh, life is complicated.  Even in the ordinariness of every day.

Tomorrow's (and every day after it) goal:  to find kindness even when it isn't readily apparent.  And to attempt more implementation of kindness.

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