Gratitude On A Friday

Thinking that it's good for me to focus on contentment and acknowledgement of blessings in our lives.

Decided that I'm grateful for kindness of others - doesn't matter who extends it to me.  It is a tender mercy that never fails to enrich my life.

Enjoyed taking dinner in to the new Mom.  We beat her home from the hospital, thus were basically the first to see the newest little member of their family.  Sweetness personified.

Was so pleased to be given tomatoes fresh from a friend's garden.  Fabulous for my tongue and my heart to be the recipient of the season's bounty.

Noticed this volunteer snapdragon amidst the other florals.  Made me smile.

Lovely inviting shade from our honeylocust trees.
And had to stop and savor the shade when I went out for the mail.  (Haven't been spending money lately ordering from catalogs; so all we get in the mail are bills.)

Enjoyed a several hour lunch with friends and their patience with me as I always tack a micro-field trip onto our lunches.  Yesterday was a bookstore - a place of comfort for all three of us.

Thoroughly delighted in my morning bike ride - 57 lovely degrees - especially when I happened on The Husband on my way back.  It's fun to ride with another.

And after too much food today:  I'm grateful for pants that are baggy everywhere.

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