Out On A Limb

Hold On!
Primary Sharing Time yesterday consisted of watching some Mormon Messages on a DVD.  One was the No-Cussing Club created by McKay Hatch 6 years ago when he was weary of listening to all the swearing around him.  (Yes, I've seen some controversial stuff about his club, but not the focus here.)

McKay Hatch is one of the missionaries serving in our area, we frequently see him at church. In Primary,  Elder Hatch was asked to speak about his efforts in forming the club.  Carefully, he avoided any self-congratulations or self promotion.  Instead, he briefly spoke about following the commandments, doing your best.  Mentioned several times that the only person whose opinion about you matters is Heavenly Father.  If we can please Him by our actions then that is what counts.

I was grateful for the wisdom he expressed and for his selfless manner.

As a solid member of the unofficial "Independent Thinker / Non Trend Follower / Doesn't Really Fit In" club, I liked his encouragement to follow our own heart as we do our best to follow what is right according to our Heavenly Father.  He is fortunate to have discovered this at a relatively young age.  (I often feel as out on a limb as this teensy mouse we discovered at the tippy top of a 7 foot hollyhock.)

And today:  it feels like Monday.  The Husband and I are both a tad frustrated - stuff that wasn't as expected or should be, complicated circumstances, much-needed-for-other-things time that slips so swiftly by as we try to sort through stuff and reach a reasonable conclusion.  Sigh...it takes stamina to figure it all out.

This morning's gratitude:  for The Husband's gumption.  May your well be ever brim-full of the energy you need!

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